An accurate study of biology shows that the eye and ear two bodies are extremely complex and can not be accidentally product developments. The great amount of nerve endings, which make up the system headset, and optical can only be the work of a creator who designed it with a high degree of sophistication. Even billions of years do not justify the emergence of these bodies as mere coincidence. Especially because until these organs are fully formed, they would be without any function in the body until they actually begin to actually work.
The human ear is intricate beyond imagination. The organ of Corti, a spiraling 3mm diameter ridge of cells in the inner ear that plays a crucial part in the way we hear pitch and direction of sound, contains some 20,000 rods and more than 30,000 nerve endings. How could the ear function at all if the seperate parts had come together by chance through millions of years?
Consider the eye. 130,000,000 light sensitive rods and cones cause photochemical reactions which turn light into electric impulses. Every second one billion of these impulses are transmitted to the brain. The eye either functions as a whole, or not at all. So how did it come to evolve by slow, steady, infinitly small Darwinian improvements?
Is it really possible that thousands upon thousands of lucky chance mutations happened coicidentally so that the lens and retina, which cannot work without each other, evolved in syncrony?
The eye even troubled Darwin who said "To this day the eye makes me shudder". (written to botanist friend Asa Gray in 1860)
Evoltution is explained as a series of mutations. It takes many of these for a creature to evolve into the next. If an average mutation rate of 1 in 100,000 were calculated based on an Earth population of 100,000,000 individuals, and its average generation lasted but one day, even just 5 simulataneous mutations in one individual would happen only once every 274 billion years.
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